Update:   A conference call was held on August 28th, 2017 with the PEIFA Tuna Advisory Committee and the Department of Fisheries & Oceans to discuss the final details of the Mexican quota transfer. 

No transfer has been made as of yet.  A notice will be sent out when the quota and tags are available. 

 The following update can be provided based on the call: 

  • Approx. 27 PEI commercial tuna tags will be released when the Mexican quota is transferred to the PEI Fishermen's Association.  This will represent 90% of the expected Mexican quota landings based on an average weight of 250 kg per fish.  More tags will be released if the weights remain as anticipated. 
  • Using the 2015 Mexican draw list, number 110 will be the first to receive a tag in 2017.
  • The cost will be the same as 2015 at $915 per fisher (this includes the cost of the tag)
  • Payment and tag pick up will be held at the PEIFA Office when the quota is transferred

 For more information please contact the PEI Fishermens’ Association at 902-566-4050 or DFO’s Chris Mills 902-566-7807. 

 The following LINK is the 2015 Mexican Draw list of PEI tuna license numbers and their rank in the draw:  

*Please note that licenses noted as SOLD* have been bought by the Native Council of PEI or the Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI and are now commercial communal tags and will not be included in PEIFA Mexican draw list for tags.  

Click here to view the draw list

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