September 7th, 2018 

 Thanks to Michelle Burge, MRSB Accounting, for assisting with the drawing of the ballots. 

 The PEIFA are in the process of contacting the first 10 Captains.  Participants are also subject to DFO approval so names below are considered unofficial until such time.  There were a total of 71 Captains who submitted a ballot and below are the top 20 ballots out of the draw.  Confirmation on stations is ongoing over the next few days.  Captains can contact the PEIFA at 566-4050 to find out what number they were in the draw order.

 Unofficial Draw List – 2018 Halibut Longline Survey draw

  1. Colin Runighan
  2. David Higginbotham
  3. Stephen Fay
  4. Rob Christiensen
  5. James Cousins
  6. Jordan Ellis
  7. Chad Gallant
  8. Stephen Howatt
  9. Joseph Gardiner
  10. Kirk Jamieson
  11. Robert HP Jenkins
  12. Jamie LeClair
  13. Charles Osborne
  14. Joey Gauthier
  15. Wayne Matthews
  16. Melvin Paynter
  17. Allen Fay
  18. Blair Matthews
  19. Kenneth MacLeod
  20. Peter Pidgeon

 Thank you to all those who’ve shown interest in the longline research survey. 


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