The Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association (PEIFA) and Department of Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO) held a conference call today to discuss the opening date for the PEI Spring Lobster season.  PEI Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) Advisory Committees also held conference calls this morning.  Ice conditions have been improving but remain a factor affecting the opening in each area. After consultation with DFO and LFA 26A Advisory Committee representatives, there is agreement to hold another conference call on Thursday May 7th to further discuss this issue.  The PEIFA LFA 26A Lobster Advisory recommended a possible opening date of Saturday May 9th, 2015. If drastic changes occur in ice conditions, the Advisory Committee may consider recommending an earlier date.   


For LFA 24, the consultation with DFO has led to another conference call scheduled for Tuesday, May 5th, to further discuss the opening date.  With favorable weather in the next 24 hours the possibility remains for an opening as early as Thursday, May 7th, 2015.  More information on an opening date will be available after tomorrow’s call.


PEIFA LFA 26A Lobster Advisory Representatives:·        

Bobby Jenkins, Chair, (902) 583-3157·        

Chuck White, Co-Chair (902) 962-4215·        

Wayne Campbell, Co-Chair (902) 583-2961 

PEIFA LFA 24 Lobster Advisory Representatives·        

Jamie Gauthier, Chair, (902) 388-1156·        

David Lewis, Co-Chair, Western PEI, (902) 853-2195  

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