The Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association(PEIFA)  is pleased to announce that the tuna fishers of Prince Edward Island will benefit from additional Bluefin tuna quota that was granted at the recent International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) meetings held in Marrakesh Morocco.

ICCAT is responsible for the overall management of quotas for many tunas and sharks including bluefin.  A total of 47 Nations participated in ICCAT this year with more than 750 delegates participating. Doug Fraser represented the PEIFA at this year’s meeting. 

The overall Western Atlantic Bluefin quota has been increased from 2000 tonnes to 2350 tonnes.

The Prince Edward Island quota for 2017 was 116 tonnes and PEI is anticipating a 2018 quota in excess of 145 tonnes.

Through multi - year negotiations by the members of the international Canadian delegation and the ongoing efforts of the PEIFA Tuna Advisory Committee lead by chair Ken Drake this quota increase was achieved.

Chairman Drake acknowledged that “The availability of additional quota is due to the rebuilding of the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna stock in the waters that border the east coasts of Canada and the continental United States”.

In addition, PEIFA President Bobby Jenkins commented “The tended line rod and reel method that is used by PEI harvesters is also a contributing factor in assisting these stocks to rebuild. Our goal continues to be that the fish must win.”

There are 359 active license holders that participate in the commercial and catch and release tuna fisheries on PEI. 

The increase in quota will be in effect for the 2018 Bluefin Tuna season

More information on recommendations passed at the ICCAT meeting can be found at or contact PEIFA Advisory Chair Ken Drake at (902)







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