April 24, 2009
 Tuna Fishers Vote on Single Season
PEI blue fin tuna fishermen have voted for a single fishing season to land their 2009 quota of 138 metric tonnes. In a close, mail-in vote to the PEI Fishermen’s Association tuna advisory committee, fishermen determined to begin the season at 5:00 a.m. on October 5th. Last year the season was split with part of the quota landed in August and the balance landed in October.
“Fishermen intend to fish for the market, aiming to attain the best price,” said Ed Frenette, PEIFA executive director. “They have given themselves a good deal of flexibility and will be watching the Japanese and U.S. markets very closely,” he said.
The PEIFA’s tuna advisory committee has submitted a comprehensive harvesting plan to DFO for approval that includes a registration deadline of August 24th for those license holders intending to fish this season, a five day fishing week from Monday to Friday, and a limit of one fish per boat per day. The advisory committee reserved the right to vary fishing days and landings as market circumstances require.
The PEI quota has been reduced this year as a result of global quota reductions imposed by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas. Last year’s quota was 150 m.t. and prices to fishermen averaged in the ten dollar per pound range.

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