Attached are maps to the location of one (Tag A) of the two pop up satellite tags that were placed on large halibut in Nov 2013 off Morell.

Coordinate location with high signal quality as of 10:45AM, Oct 4th, 2014 is: 4702.54 N and 6243.58 W . 

Today's Coordinates: 

Time  Longitute Lattitude
 9:46AM  47.02.58  6242.54
 7:42AM 4702.18    6241.11
5:25AM 4701.33 N 6240.09 W


Frequency is 401.6777 MegaHertz  (401.65+30khz)


 We are seeking to obtain the tag in order to download all available data on that fish. CASH REWARD OF $500 FOR RETRIEVAL OF THIS TAG. Any assistance in retrieving this tag would be greatly appreciated

Please share with others, my cell is (902) 393-2281 and Travis James is (902) 629-4821. Travis will email us new satellite positions as they become available.


Laura Ramsay
Research & Liaison Officer
PEI Fishermen’s Association
(902) 566-4050