Friday May 23, 2014

Spring Lobster Season Challenges Continue

The harvesters of the Spring lobster season on Prince Edward Island continue to experience low and erratic catches as cold water temperatures and unseasonably cold weather prevail.
There have been recent erroneous reports that suggest high catch volumes on PEI.
Low product inventory levels and a favourable US dollar exchange rate have contributed to an improved price over 2013.
However, year over year cost increases in bait and fuel have eroded much of this increase and lower catches are further reducing harvester income.
The value of the lobster catch on Prince Edward Island has decreased 20% since 2006.
This has had a profound negative impact on the fishing community in addition to local and provincial economies.
The PEIFA continues to advocate for the fair and equitable prices for the fishers of PEI and continues to closely monitor lobster prices in the marketplace for the Spring season.

For further information contact PEIFA President Mike McGeoghegan at 902 394-3510 or Executive Director Ian Mac Pherson at 902 566-4050


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