The PEI Fishermen’s Association will be holding a Registration and Draw for independent core fishers wishing to participate in the Snow Crab Fishery for 2013. Registration will be held at the following locations:

R.C. Legion Branch # 27, Bloomfield, Tuesday, April 16th, 10:00a.m. – 5:00p.m.
Red’s Corner, Poole’s Corner, Wednesday, April 17th, 10:00a.m. – 5:00p.m.
Farm Centre, 420 University Avenue, Charlottetown
Thursday, April 18th, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00p.m. Draw to Follow

Fishers are requested to apply in person and be in possession of their FIN number and personal identification. Those unable to register in person may send a representative with written permission authorizing him/her to register on the fisher’s behalf. The representative must be in possession of the fisher’s FIN number and his/her own identification.

The draw will be held on Thursday, April 18th, immediately following the completion of the registration. The first eligible registrants drawn will receive an allotment of 5 metric tones of snow crab (11,020 lbs).

Fishers selected in the Draw are subject to confirmation by DFO that they meet the eligibility requirements to participate in the 2013 Snow Crab Fishery. Registrants must be a registered independent core fisher for 2013, and have never held a Snow Crab License in PEI, nor received an allotment in any year from 1995 to 2012 inclusive, nor have purchased an enterprise that had received an allotment in those years, nor the recipient of an allotment under Groundfish dependency.

The Snow Crab registration fee for PEIFA Members is $114.00 (inclusive of HST). The registration fee for non-members of the PEIFA is $342.00 (inclusive of HST).

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