The PEI Fishermen’s Association will hold a Registration & Draw for fishermen who wish to participate in the Fixed Gear Sentinel Fishery for 2013.

Fishing will take place in the five (5) specific areas proposed for 2013 (longline gear vessels only). PEI Independent Core Fishermen in possession of a valid groundfish license may apply to fish in one of these areas. Participating fishers must be able to demonstrate experience in the groundfish longline gear fishery.

Registration will take place at the PEIFA Office (Suite 102), Farm Centre, 420 University Avenue, Charlottetown, PEI, on Tuesday, June 4th, 2013, and Wednesday, June 5th, 2013, between 9:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Registrants may apply in person or send a representative with written permission authorizing him/her to register on their behalf with a copy of your valid groundfish license.

The Draw will be held Wednesday, June 5, 2013, at the completion of the Registration. Fishermen who participated in Sentinel Fishery any year from 1996 - 2012 inclusive, are not eligible to register. The registration fee is $50.00 (GST included).

The fishery will take place July 1st - November 16th, 2013. The total number of days fishing will be nine (9). The maximum number of days that you can fish in one week is two (2). A minimum of 1250 hooks (size 12 circle - 1 fathom apart) and maximum of 2500 hooks will be used (divided equally between two sites). All Atlantic Halibut must be returned to the water. At-Sea-Observers must be on the vessels whenever the gear is fished (fish onboard the vessels). Observers are not required during the setting of the gear provided that no fish are being brought aboard.

Click the following link to view a map of site locations and coordinates:  userfiles/sentinel map and coordinates 2012.pdf

For more information, please contact the PEIFA Office at (902) 566-4050.