The Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries & Oceans on the Lobster Fishery is now available.

Click the following link to view the full report, "The Lobster Fishery:  Staying the Course": 

For a printed copy, contact the PEIFA at 566-4050.  

Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans Calls on
Lobster Fishery to Stay on Course

Ottawa (May 28, 2013) – After several months of public hearings, the Standing Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans tabled its report in the Senate today entitled: The Lobster Fishery: Staying on Course. The overarching objective of the committee’s recommendations is that the lobster fishery must continue to make needed changes to ensure its stability and sustainability.

“After hearing from 50 witnesses representing diverse viewpoints, the committee is persuaded that the lobster fishery has embarked on a number of initiatives to ensure its viability”, said Senator Fabian Manning, chair of the committee. “That is welcomed news given the difficult times facing the lobster fishery which is one of the economic pillars for many coastal communities in the Atlantic Provinces and Quebec.”

With assistance from governments, change has been effected in important ways in terms of fishery rationalization, quality, branding, marketing, traceability, and eco-certification. The evidence heard by the committee suggests that this transition still needs to be sustained with government support.

“Following the collapse of the groundfish fisheries in the early 1990s, the lobster fishery has become the single most important source of income for thousands of harvesters,” said Senator Elizabeth Hubley, deputy chair of the committee. “We are encouraged by the collective commitment of all industry stakeholders to undertake the sometimes painful but necessary changes that must take place in the lobster sector. This is particularly true during these difficult times.”

To learn more about the Standing Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, and read the report as well as transcripts from previous meetings, please visit the committee website:

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