Seeking Captain and Vessel - Spring Herring Acoustics and Netting Project



Deadline fast approaching!  Contact the PEIFA, Laura Ramsay ASAP or 902-393-2281 if you are interested.  If more than one interested/experienced Captain applies, we will hold a draw. 


Seeking experienced spring herring Captains to provide services to the DFO and the PEIFA with nightly acoustic sampling of the areas outlined in the map (see below) and possible tesnet sampling.


This acoustic would be completed during the weekend bait/commercial closures when nets are out of the water.  This is the first year for the Skinner’s Pond/Tignish site and may take one or two nights of soundings, this is a trial year in many ways.  See more details below.  In terms of payment, the price would be associated with completed strata (box), similar to that of the fall herring acoustics, contact Laura Ramsay for more details. 

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