Seal Nuissance Licenses are available through DFO for a fee of $5 and can be obtained by completing an application (see below) and submitting it to DFO Licensing Centre. 

Upload a copy of the application by clicking the following link: userfiles/Seal nuisance application form 2011.doc

and a copy of the seal fishing area map by clicking the following link: userfiles/Seal fishing area map 2011.pdf


Fisheries and Oceans Canada
2011 Nuisance Seal Licence Application

General Instructions
• Payment of fee of five dollars ($5.00) per licence
• Payable by cheque or money order to the Receiver General for Canada or by Credit Card.
• Forward payment to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Local Licensing Service Centre

Applicant (Licence holder/ Company):
Phone: Fax:
Signature :

Requests authorization for a Nuisance Seal Licence for the following site(s):

Name of Site Location-Fishing Area Licence No.

For the following reasons:
□ prevent damage to fishing gear, or
□ prevent damage to aquaculture equipment, or
□ serious threat of loss of fish held in containment, or
□ conservation of anadromous or catadromous fish stocks, and
□ all other reasonable means to deter the nuisance seal(s) have been proven ineffective

For Departmental Use Only

Total amount paid: $__________ Date: _______________________

DFO Signature _________________________________________

Application _________ "approved"; ________ "refused" Date: _____________________


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