The PEIFA have been distributing grey seal interaction surveys at various fishers meetings over the past two months beginning with the PEIFA AGM & Convention.  If you have serious concerns over the impacts of grey seals, please click on the following link and fill out the seal impact survey: 

userfiles/FishermenQuestionne Final (2).pdf

Completed surveys can be dropped off at the PEIFA office or mailed in to the address provided. Your participation is greatly appreciated.  Rachel Neuenhoff will be sharing her research and results with us in the coming year.  

Rachel Neuenhoff - PhD Student researching Grey Seal interactions in Atlantic Canada

I'm a PhD student on CFRN Project 3.2 which is aimed at addressing interactions between marine mammals and depleted fish stocks. Specifically, my thesis project involves using a multispecies modeling approach to try to assess consumption rates of grey seals. Secondly, I want to put these relationships in the context of management by including the modeled relationships, input from fishermen regarding the nature of interactions with grey seals, and the costs to the fishermen when interactions with grey seals occur. These three items together will help us put a meaningful quantitative value on different management strategies and help predict how decisions will affect seals, fish, and the fisheries. I'm using the questionnaire to help answer questions regarding the nature of grey seal interactions with fishermen and the relative cost of these interactions. Currently, we are intending to collect surveys until summer 2013 and reassess in June or July.