November 2, 2009
Scallop Fishing Area 24 - November 02, 2009
The scallop fishery in Scallop Fishing Area 24 will be open from 06:00 hrs November 2 until 18:00 hrs December 15, 2009, except:
Fishing in Scallop Fishing Area 24 will be prohibited every day from 18:00 hrs to 06:00 hrs the following day and will also be closed every Sunday.
A one (1) nautical mile buffer zone will be closed until further notice from the nearest point of land in the counties of Cumberland, Colchester, Pictou and Antigonish and one (1) nautical mile from the nearest point of land around Pictou Island, situated in the Northumberland Strait.
A one (1) nautical mile buffer zone will be closed until further notice from the nearest point of land from the Canso Causeway northward, including Henry Island and Port Hood Island, to the Mabou Harbour entrance range lights.
A buffer zone in waters less than fifteen (15) fathoms in depth will be closed from the Mabou Harbour entrance range lights northward to the divisional line between Scallop Fishing Area 24 and Scallop Fishing Area 25 at High Capes.
A buffer zone will be closed from Red Point Park to Prim Point, Prince Edward Island including Fisherman’s Bank and areas known as the Ridge North and East of Fisherman’s Bank, Eastern Ground, the Reef and then 1.5 nautical miles from the shore at Wood Island, will be closed until December 31.
A buffer zone will be closed in those waters adjacent to the western coast of Cape Breton, inside rhumb lines (similar to straight lines plotted on a nautical chart) joining the following points in the order they are listed:
North Latitude West Longitude
1. 46°11'00" N 61°25'30" W
2. 46°11'57" N 61°25'24" W
3. 46°15'42" N 61°19'03" W
4. 46°18'37" N 61°16'35" W
5. 46°18'18" N 61°15'34" W
For further information go to:
General for the Gulf Region, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, hereby gives notice of the following changes in the Scallop Fishery in Scallop Fishing Area 24: