The following questionnaire was drafted by the Western Gulf Fishermen’s Association (WGFA) Board of Directors to gather input from their fishers regarding lobster fishery management measures.  WGFA would like to thank the membership for taking the time to participate in the survey. 

The WGFA Board would like to share the results of the survey with the rest of the fishers of PEI Fishermen’s Association.  This information is relating to WGFA only and in no way meant to interfere with other areas.   

Any questions on the survey please call President, WGFA, Francis Morrissey at 902-856-2029.

The following is a copy of the WGFA questionnaire and the results from their membership:  (updated)


Area 24 Western Gulf Lobster Fishing Management Plan QUESTIONAIRE
*Any questionnaires NOT returned will be considered
in AGREEMENT with this questionnaire
**This is sole property of the Western Gulf Fishermen’s Association
and not to be used or copied by an individual or organization without approval from WGFA**
195 returned / 256 mailed = 76% return rate.
194 counted – 1 voided.
% based on 193 counted

Please return completed questionnaire by March 7th.

Read the following questions and mark your choice with an “X”

1)    1.    Hoop size no greater than 6 inches or 15.24 cm in size.
(Reason: This measure would eliminate the unnecessary handling of the large egg bearing females)
155 YES (80%)

38 NO


2)      2.   Minimum trap set of no less than 5 traps per set.
(Reason: This measure would keep excess rope and Styrofoam buoys from impacting marine mammals and the environment)
162 YES 84%

31 NO


3)      3.   Carapace size to be increased by 0.5 of a mm to a sizeno greater than 74 mm over a 5 year period.
Reason: By increasing the minimum carapace size to 74 mm over 5 years, the industry will increase the recruitment from 50 to 64 percent and will give the market place time to adjust. This measure is seen by science as very high impact on increasing reproductive capacity)
131 YES 68%

62 NO


4)     4.    All traps to be equipped with two escape panels of legal size by the year 2022.
(Reason: Very important to allow undersize lobsters to have two escape routes out of the trap on the ocean floor in case a bigger lobster has one escape vent blocked)
138 YES 72%

55 NO


5)    5.     All lobster licenses in our 24 Western Gulf family of fishers be regulated at (Mark an “X” under your regulated choice)
300 trap –
121 or 63%   280 traps –  32 or 16%   270 traps –  40 or 21%
(Reason: For every 10 traps removed from the licenses in the Western Gulf family, it is an equivalent to the removal of approximately 10 licenses from the water – which equals less fuel, less traps, less traps, less bait, and reduced carbon footprint) This would be implemented over a 3-year period.


6)      6.   All female lobster from 115 mm and upwardcarapace size to be returned to the water.
(Reason: This measure is seen as very high impact on increasing reproductive capacity for the fishery)
136 YES 70%

57 NO


7)    7.     All male lobster from 130 mm and upward carapace size to be returned to the water.
(Reason: To allow a mixed size of lobster for breeding. This size lobster is low priced in the market place, but priceless to the future of our fishery)
86 YES 45%

107 NO 55%


Additional comments:  There were approximately 80 comments provided by WGFA fishers to the WGFA Board.  Thanks to the membership for providing their input.


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