The Prince County Fishermen’s Association (PCFA) was seeking input from LFA 25 PEI lobster fishers on their views on the following management measures regarding lobster carapace size.  

The vote was conducted in an effort to capture the views of all LFA 25 PEI lobster fishers and to assist the PCFA Board in making every effort to ensure the fishers’ mandate is pushed forward.

 ·        Ballots counted on January 22nd, 2018 by 5 scrutineers at the Farm Centre, Charlottetown.

 ·     155 returned questionnaires out of a total of 213 LFA 5 commercial lobster licensed fishers.  This equates to a 70% return rate. 

 ·        2 Spoiled ballots out of the 155 returned.


1.    Do you agree with the scheduled increase in the minimum carapace size of 2mm in 2018 (75mm to 77mm) in LFA 25?

                           27  YES (17.6%)

                        126  NO  (82.4%)


2.    Would you support postponing and/or slowing down the scheduled increase in carapace size in LFA 25?

                      128 YES (83.7%)

  25   NO (16.3%)


The PEIFA and PCFA would like to thank all lobster license holders for their input.  


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