A reminder to all Herring Fishing Area 16 G license holders:

1)  Please complete and submit your multi-year waiver for the upcoming fall herring season to the PEIFA if you have not already done so.

ALSO:  The Board have been advised by DFO that the PEI licensing office will be switching locations from Stratford to 165 Edgecomb Drive, Charlottetown (Across from Sears) in the third week of August and delays in issuing conditions could be expected during that time.  For timely release of conditions please complete and submit your multi-year waiver for the HFA 16G Overage Program as soon as possible.

2)  Questionnaires have been sent to each HFA 16G license holder regarding daily limits.  Deadline for submitting completed questionnaires is August 7th, 2012.


If you have any questions, please contact the PEIFA at 566-4050.

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