The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) would like to inform you and ask for your participation in a questionnaire related to the recreational fishery for Atlantic mackerel. The objective of this questionnaire is to better understand the recreational fishery and the extent of recreational harvests. Catches from the recreational mackerel fishery, which is a very popular activity during the summer months in Atlantic Canada and Quebec, are currently either unrecorded or underreported. DFO has prepared this questionnaire in order to address gaps in our knowledge of fishing activity and to provide DFO Science with recreational harvest data for incorporation into future stock assessment.

All responses will be kept anonymous and will be used to assist the development of management measures, including the rebuilding plan for Atlantic mackerel.

Thank you for your participation.

Should you have any questions or comments concerning the questionnaire, please contact Iain Best (FSWEP Student).



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