July 17, 2012

News Release re: Fall Lobster Fishery

As Prince Edward Island’s fall lobster season quickly approaches, harvesters in Prince County are concerned that the current situation in the Northeastern United States could have a negative impact on fall lobster prices in PEI.

This year soft shelled “shedder” lobsters familiar to the Northeastern US, have appeared six weeks earlier than normal. In addition, substantial catches have also contributed to low prices paid to New England harvesters.

The soft shelled lobster does not transport well so the lobster harvesters in Maine are hoping that summer tourists will consume a large quantity of these lobsters over the next two months. It is hoped reducing these inventories will aid in price improvement for their lobster. There have also been discussions on boats tying up until the price improves but this initiative has met with mixed reaction from Maine fishers.

The lobsters harvested in Western PEI are hard shelled lobsters that are in demand in both the processing and live market sectors. These lobsters are also a favourite of the many summer tourists that visit PEI.

The Prince County Fishermen’s Association (PCFA) emphasizes that “it is important for the buyers and public to understand that the low prices quoted in the US are for a lobster dramatically different from our fall PEI lobster”

Buoyed by a spring season that saw lobster prices and catches improve in most areas of PEI, the PCFA  remains optimistic that the Fall fishers will be paid fair and equitable prices for their catches.

Over the past few years LFA 25 has been actively involved in conservation efforts that have resulted in a reduction of 43 fleets on PEI which includes 33,000 fewer traps being fished Island wide.

For more details please contact Prince County President Lee Knox at (902) 853-5524 or Danny Arsenault at (902) 856-2846

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