News Release - For Immediate Release - PEIFA NEWS RELEASE

April 29, 2013

The Prince Edward Island fishermen’s Association feels that recent statements made by a New Brunswick based fisheries consultant, speculating on market conditions for the 2013 LFA 25 Fall fishery were irresponsible and question the timing of the announcement.

On Friday, CBC quoted fisheries consultant Gilles Theriault as stating “prices could be lower than last year – a troubling forecast for local fishermen”.

On Friday April 26th a LFA 25 working group met in Moncton to discuss a proposed research pilot program that would provide information on lobster movement before and after the current season dates.

The working group consists of fishing organizations from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI, Provincial government representatives and the Processing sector. The intent of the group is to discuss issues that will assist in improving the LFA 25 lobster fishery.

Discussions continue to centre on carapace size. LFA 25 will be moving from 71 mm to 72mm this upcoming season.

Prince Edward Island advocates staying at the 72mm carapace size while New Brunswick is seeking a move up to 77mm over three years.

The increased measure has been sought by the New Brunswick processing sector however no representatives from the industry have attended the last three meetings to answer questions on the issue.

PEIFA President Mike McGeoghegan feels comments made by Theriault are based on creating “a culture of fear among New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI fishers”

McGeoghegan stated that it is difficult to feel the New Brunswick processors are “committed to finding solutions to the challenges in LFA 25 when they cannot attend meetings set up to tackle these tough issues.” “It seems the sector will go to all lengths to push their agenda of a carapace increase as being the sole solution for the challenges of the area.”

Other agenda items were not discussed at the Friday meeting as the New Brunswick position insisted carapace length must be part of any discussions before other topics are discussed.

For more information contact PEIFA President Mike McGeoghegan at (902) 394-3510 or Prince County Fishermen Association President Lee Knox at (902) 853-5524
