Here’s a brief update on some of the initiatives that the PEIFA are currently working on:

1) LOBSTER FISHERY REPORT: The PEIFA will be meeting with MRSB and Colin Younker late this week to review the Terms of Reference for the Provincial review of the fishery. The PEIFA submitted 5 areas that we would like to see focus on. Younker has been appointed by the Premier to carry out this review.
2) PEI FISHERMEN’S BRAND: The funding for the PEI Fishermen’s Brand study was finally approved by the Province late last week and the study will commence immediately. The objective of this Branding initiative is to look into the feasibility of a PEI brand that would be owned/controlled by the fishers of PEI and would encompass a fair trade component that would ensure a fair price is paid to the fisher.
3) SHORE PRICE SETTING MECHANISMS: The PEIFA is currently collecting information on various shore price setting mechanisms. We’re hoping to share these options with the membership in the near future.
4) STORAGE: At this time, we are looking into the feasibility and funding opportunities for lobster storage on PEI.
5) PROMOTIONS:   A small marketing campaign through the PEIFA began in early May, called the 'Taste PEI Lobster' promotion.  We will be following up with a press release this week encouraging the public to taste Prince Edward Island Lobster! This campaign includes a promotions at the Charlottetown Airport (Banner, Backlit sign with brochures and 30 second video clips), and an ad in the Welcome PEI handbook (which includes a Lobster photo contest), and our new/improved brochures which have been delivered to all visitor information centres, restaurants/retail specializing in lobster, to name a few. All promotions highlight our new section of the website dedicated to the promotion; so please check it out and spread the word.

Feel free to contact the PEIFA for more information at (902) 566-4050.