Attention all captains and crew members: come sign up for courses with your new training coordinator Lisa McCarthy.

The Certificate of Service As Master of a Fishing Vessel of Less Than 60 Gross Tonnage (SMFV60) is issued under Section 143 of the Marine Personnel Regulations. These regulations came into force July 1, 2007.

As the Training Coordinator she has 29 courses to offer and financial assistance for 482 umemployed insured fishers to assist them in obtaining additional skills.

Here's an outline of the courses that will be offered to fishers this winter. Courses will be held throughout various communities across PEI.

Marine Emergency Duties- MED with respect to basic safety (formerly known as MEDA1) - 3 day course
Marine Basic First Aid- 2 day course
Marine Advanced First Aid - 5 day course
Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP) - 5 day course
Restricted Operator's Certificate-Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC) - 4 day course
Fishing Master 4 (FM4) - 14 weeks

Please contact her office for more information, requirements, registration and assistance regarding regulations. You can reach her below:

Lisa McCarthy
Fisheries Skills PEI
Training Coordinator
Ph# 902-882-3922
Fax# 902-882-3280