PEI 2014 Tuna Reallocation update

~ October 1st, 2014 ~

The DFO had a conference call this morning with members of the PEIFATAB to review the seasonal landings between July 30-Sept 30, 2014. The Dockside Monitoring Reports indicated that 355 tuna were landed in the main fishery and approximately 24mt remains for the PEI quota for the re-allocation fishery. DFO confirmed that 66 more commercial tuna tags will be re-allocated to eligible tuna fishers selected in the re-allocation draw. This number represents approximately 90% of the commercial harvest expected to be captured before within a timely manner. The harvest numbers will be monitored closely.

For more info, contact Chris Mills 566-7807.

A list of the #1-100 are posted on the September 17th News posting of the PEIFA website.

The opening for the reallocation is 5AM, Friday, October 3rd, 2014.



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