2014 Re-allocation Draw

DFO has announced the details of the 2014 re-allocation of the Bluefin Tuna quota remaining after September 30th, 2014 within the PEI tuna fleet sector. There is a requirement for Fish Harvesters in the commercial fleet sector to register with the PEI Fishermen’s Association (PEIFA) for the re-allocation draw.

Registration for the draw will be held at the following locations:
• Red’s Corner, Montague, September 15th from 9AM-4PM
• RC Legion Branch #27, Bloomfield, September 16th from 11AM-7PM
• Farm Centre, Charlottetown, September 17th from 9AM-4PM. Draw to follow.
Fishers are asked to apply in person and MUST be in possession of their PEI tuna license number, FIN # and personal identification. If the license holder has an unused tag, they have to provide a hail out number to DFO to confirm their activity in the fishery. Those unable to register in person may send a representative with written permission authorising him/her to register on the fisher’s behalf. A representative MUST be in possession of the fisher’s tuna license number and FIN #.

The draw will be held September 17th, 2014 following the completion of the registration. Fishers selected in the draw will be subject to confirmation by DFO that they meet the eligibility requirements to participate in the 2014 PEI tuna reallocation. Only those who have registered for the re-allocation draw on or before September 17th and who meet the definition of active licence holder (active license will be defined as a license to which a tag has been assigned to it by condition of license, has registered at least 1 hail-out with a DMC during the regular season, July 30th-Sept 30th, and/or landed a fish within that timeline) will be re-allocated additional tags up to a predetermined number by DFO managers to ensure that the entire 2014 allocation is capable of being captured before season end.

All partnerships will be dissolved on October 1, 2014. For those participating in partnerships, if the primary licence holder meets the definition of an active licence holder, both fishers in the partnership will be eligible for tag reallocation. If the primary licence holder does not meet the definition, neither fisher will be eligible for tag reallocation. For more info on the registration, contact the PEIFA at 902-566-4050.

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