Notice to PEI LFA 25 Lobster Harvesters – PEIFA Lobster Movement Study


For the direct link to the registration, please click here. 

PEI Harvesters in lobster fishing area (LFA) 25 have long questioned the annual movement of lobsters into their area from the Shediac Valley and elsewhere to traditional fishing grounds. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has completed research on movement, but the data has not been updated for approximately 20 years. Recently, PEI harvesters in LFA 25 have noticed a change in the distribution of the lobster within the LFA and question if the movement pattern has shifted.

The PEIFA is seeking 1 Captain for this project:

The PEI Fishermen’s Association is seeking 1 Captain, vessel, and crew to participate inthe LFA 25 Lobster Movement Study. The hired Captain will set a maximum of 75 traps along a transect that runs parallel with the LFA 25 lines, within LFA 25 starting ASAP (late April, early May). This is considered a good representation of travel into LFA 25 from the Shediac Valley. Lobsters will be satellite tagged and returned to the water where they were caught.

The following are a list of details/requirements for the participants in the Lobster Movement Study:

•  Number of lobsters to be caught and sampled: 39 with a minimum carapace length of 85 mm (upon approval from DFO).

•  Payment: $2000/day

•  Locations of the study are outlined in the map below (traps to be set along the yellow line)

•  The vessel will have scientists/technicians on board for sampling, tag attachment and release

•  Captain must be reliable & experienced in handling lobster traps

•  Vessel is required to meet all standard Transport Canada requirements

•  The Captain requires third-party liability insurance on his vessel (in the amount of $2,000,000.00 per occurrence on his vessel)

•  The Captain will be required to sign a contract with the PEIFA (agreeing on protocol, rate of pay and insurance

•   Captain must be willing to work closely with project staff

•   A draw of qualified applicants will be made if more than 1 person applies


A registration and draw will be administered by the PEIFA to determine the Captain for the project. Only PEIFA members who fish in LFA 25 are eligible for the draw.

 Registration Dates: 8:30AM April 17th, 2024, until 2:00PM April 22nd, 2024

Fee: No fee for registration

How to Register: Fishers can register online at by clicking the ‘Registrations & renewals’ tab and then the ‘Lobster Movement Study Registration 2024” link or contact the PEIFA office to register by phone or in person.

Required Information: Fisher’s name, phone #, FIN #, homeport, vessel name, VRN#.

The Draw will be held immediately after the completion of the Registration at 2:00 PMMonday, April 22nd, 2024.


Interested individuals can find access to additional details about the Captain's responsibilities, project protocol and requirements by contacting Melanie Giffin: 902-330-4466 or



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