See the information/petition below regarding the proposed dumping of millions of litres of effluent into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. A live link is provided at the end of the message to make it easy to sign this important petition. Please forward this message to everyone in your contacts list.





E-1750 (Waste Management)

42nd Parliament

Initiated by Mary Gorman from Merigomish, Nova Scotia, on June 21, 2018


Petition to the House of Commons




- The Kraft pulp mill in Abercrombie, Nova Scotia has a fifty year history of environmental negligence in Pictou County and has a plan for an effluent pipe that puts at risk the delicate ecosystem of the Gulf of St. Lawrence;


- Discharging 70 to 90 million litres of bleached Kraft pulp effluent daily into the Gulf of St. Lawrence will have a significant negative impact on the sensitive spawning, nursing and migratory habitat of lobster, herring, mackerel and many other independent species;


- The pipe threatens tourism and fishing industries in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Quebec which support a global food supply and generates billions of dollars in economic activity; and


- Thousands of commercial fishers in the Northumberland Strait and the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence depend on these sustainable fisheries to support their families and coastal communities in which they live.


We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to call upon the Government of Canada to authorize a full environmental assessment report under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency regarding this proposed pipe.


Click on the link below to sign this petition.  Open for signatures: June 21, 2018. Closed for signature: October 19, 2018, at 11:17 am (EDT)


Sponsor: Elizabeth May, Saanich - Gulf Islands, Green Party, British Columbia

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