Notice to PEI Groundfish Harvesters
WINTER FLOUNDER - “Fixed Gear < 65 feet” -Tanglenets

DFO has confirmed the acceptance of a Winter Flounder Tangle Net fishery proposal from the PEIFA Groundfish Advisory Board which would amend the current limited access into 4T2b for Winter Flounder using tangle nets in a defined area (near North Lake) of this closed zone by a limited number of participants. This fishery will open on September 3rd, 2013. Any changes to the above noted details will be reported on the PEIFA website at .

The PEIFA is now taking names of fixed gear gillnet groundfish license holders who are interested in participating in this fishery to a maximum of 15 fishers. If interest exceeds 15 participants, there will be a need to have a selection process (i.e. a draw) administered by the PEIFA. The deadline to sign up for the draw through the PEIFA is August 21st , 2013. There is no registration fee, however, fishers will be given a confirmation number at the time of registering.

To sign up for the draw or seek further info please contact the PEI Fishermen’s Association at 566-4050. Selected participants will need to register for At-sea observer coverage and will be each fisher’s responsibility to set up their own contract with an observer company (e.g Biorex).

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