May 18, 2023
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) HD32, HD33, HD34, HE32, HE33,HE34, HF32, HF33, HF34
These grid(s) will be closing on May 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
DFO is providing a 120-hour delay for the above grid closure(s) due to the weather forecast. All gear affected by this notice must be removed from the closed area before the time of closure.
DFO will send flights over the area between days 9-15 of the closure and if they see a whale again the area is scheduled to stay closed until NOV. 15.
This closure is to the 10 fathom line because the whale is within the 20 fathom line.
Click here to view full Notice to Fishers