News Release - For Immediate Release August 24, 2012

Harvesters in PEI LFA 25 ask What’s Up?

As statements from week one of the Fall Fishery have now been issued, it is clear that a discrepancy exists between shore prices being paid in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island for fall lobster.
Week one prices in PEI have been confirmed at 2.50 and 2.75 per pound.
As of Thursday August 23rd the shore price in New Brunswick currently stood at 2.75 and 3.25.
There is a top up program in New Brunswick that has been agreed to and 25 cents of this price is part of the top up program.
An additional 25 cents per pound difference does exist between the New Brunswick and PEI prices for market lobsters.
The PEIFA and LFA 25 harvesters are trying to determine why this is taking place.
Reports this morning are that one New Brunswick processor is paying a further 25 cent bonus bring the shore price up to 3.00 and 3.50.


Communication on issues such as these between PEI harvesters, buyers and processors are difficult as the Processing sector has not had a primary contact for the processor since the spring of 2012.
The PEIFA and the executive of the Prince County Fishermen’s Association will continue to pursue fair and equitable prices for the harvesters during this difficult and challenging time as current prices are not viable for Island harvesters

For more information contact PEIFA Executive Director Ian MacPherson at (902) 394-0457 or Prince County Fishermen’s Association President Lee Knox at (902) 853-5524


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