For: IMMEDIATE RELEASE – April 11 2012

Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association President Mike McGeoghegan encourages all Island core fishers to attend the Town Hall Meeting planned for this Friday April 13 at 2:30 at the Stratford Town Centre in Stratford PE.

The key topic of discussion will be the Owner Operator and Fleet Separation Policies that are currently being reviewed by the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).

President McGeoghegan stated “The spotlight must be kept on this issue. Rural communities could be devastated if outside corporate interests are allowed to buy up licenses”.
“We are waiting for a “What we heard” response from DFO but so far there has been no indication on when this will be released or if any further consultation will take place.”

Last year the 1300 owner operator businesses generated in excess of 80 + million dollars to the rural and urban economies on Prince Edward Island.

For more information contact Mike McGeoghegan at (902) 394-3510.



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