News Release – Tuesday January 8, 2013 - For immediate release:
The Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association (PEIFA) is pleased to announce the organization has been selected as the first approved supplier for trap and net tags in Canada by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).
As of December 31st 2012, DFO is no longer issuing trap and net tags for all species that are regulated by tags other than tuna.
Tuna tags will continue to be issued by DFO as it is an internationally regulated fishery.
Tag distribution will be handled by organizations and companies that meet the approved protocols and standards set by DFO.
The PEIFA will have tags available for fishers that harvest in LFAs 24, 25 and 26A.
A letter to all PEI fishers will be sent out in the very near future detailing how harvesters can obtain their tags for the upcoming 2013 season.
The PEIFA is currently setting up operations to meet the demands of this change.
Additional information and updates will be posted on the PEIFA web site at or by calling the PEIFA office at (902) 566-4050.



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