Lobster Harvester Workshop 2014

News Release

PEI Fishermen’s Association Hosts First Ever Meeting With US Lobster Fishers: Two Days of Talks Focus on Key Industry Issues

(Charlottetown: January 24, 2014) “Progress on addressing the issues facing the lobster fishery will require action on both sides of the border,” says President of the PEI Fishermen’s Association, Mike McGeoghegan.

The comments come following two days of discussion between US and PEI lobster fishers organized by the PEI Fishermen’s Association. The meeting was the first of its kind and was held to advance solutions to the challenges facing the Atlantic lobster fishery.

Fishers from Canada and the US discussed a number of issues, including potential generic marketing, the impact of increased catches, and the need for common quality standards.

“The issues facing the lobster industry go beyond our borders. US lobster fishers, like those of us in Canada, are feeling the impact of depressed prices and oversupply.
Maine Lobstermen’s Association President Dave Cousins stated “in order to ensure that coastal communities don’t suffer or die, harvesters need to make more by selling more lobster at a higher price.
“We talked about avenues that worked for us and how to work with government. You are on the right track here on PEI.”

“As an industry, we need to recognize that markets are international. The conversations started here today can help us to better address the common issues facing fishers on both sides of the border,” concluded McGeoghegan.

For more Information please contact:

Ian MacPherson – Executive Director
Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association
(902) 394-0457

Mike McGeoghegan
PEIFA President
(902) 394-3510



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