Why Rally?

If you are opposed to a plan that would see the Northern Pulp dumping  70-90 million litres a day of treated effluent into the Northumberland Strait you’re encouraged to attend this rally. We don’t have to remind you that we share these waters, this is not just a Nova Scotia or Pictou problem, any negative fall-out from this project will affect PEI as well.

DATE: Friday, July 6th 

TIME: 12 Noon

WHERE: Pictou waterfront & harbour

Rally day VHF channel 68. For full details on this event visit: https://www.nopiperally.com

In the lead-up to the July 6 rally, you can support the call for a federal environmental assessment by clicking here: https://www.friendsofthenorthumberlandstrait.ca/send-a-letter-in-one-minute

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