July 14, 2011

The Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association strongly recommends that the City of Charlottetown seek all levels of funding required to rectify the sewage overflow situation that currently exists in Charlottetown Harbour.

The high frequency of recent discharges of raw sewage affects not only shellfish but also poses a threat to rock crab, scallops, groundfish, lobsters and other small pelagics in the vicinity.
The total adverse effects on these species are not known, but we risk losing our stellar reputation for high quality seafood products if this situation is allowed to continue.

In addition, tourism operations associated with the fishery also risk a loss of business due to closures and concerns about water quality.

It is unfortunate that Federal infrastructure funding was not accessed over the past two years as costs typically escalate each year a project is delayed or not started.

The PEIFA acknowledges the work of the Oysters harvesters in raising the profile of this important issue by meeting with Charlottetown City Council earlier this week.  The PEIFA suggests that the two year timetable to start this project be shortened so that the health and livelihood of fishers, recreational swimmers and residents in the area is not compromised.

For more information please contact PEIFA President Mike McGeoghegan at (902) 394-3510