Mandatory Support Payments
As fishermen are aware, the provincial government now has in force the Certified Fisheries Organizations Support Act requiring all core fishermen in PEI to pay annual support fees to an organization certified in accordance with the Act. The PEIFA is the only organization certified in accordance with the Act.
In keeping with the legislation, all core fishers are required to submit to the PEIFA, by March 31st, 2008, both payment of the support fee and their name, address and telephone number.
The support fee is One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) plus GST of Five Dollars ($5.00) for a total of One Hundred and Five Dollars ($105.00). Attached is a form to be completed with your personal information and returned to the PEIFA with your support fee payment.
Fishermen retain the right to refuse payment or to request a refund of fees paid for this year. Section 8(2) of the Act reads:
A fisher may notify a certified fisheries organization,
(a) not later than May 1 of each year, that the fisher will not be paying the support fee; or
(b) not later than July 1 of each year, that the fisher requests a refund of the support fee that the fisher has paid under clause 8(1)(a).
The association must supply the names of all respondents to the provincial government. Those not paying or seeking refunds may be subject to such enforcement mechanisms as outlined in Section 8 of the Act.
Please forward your support payment to the address below – do not send payments to the provincial government. A tax deductible receipt and membership card will be sent to you. If you have already paid for 2008, thank you and please ignore this request.
Please forward payment to:
PEI Fishermen’s Association,
420 University Ave., Suite 102,
Charlottetown, PEI
C1A 7Z5
For further information please contact the PEIFA at (902) 566-4050.

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