For Immediate Release – Tuesday October 25, 2016

The Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association (PEIFA) continues to seek catch information as to why the 2016 mackerel season was closed abruptly on Friday October 14 2016. It has been past practise in other fisheries to give industry several days’ notice when an anticipated closure is pending.

Catch data supporting this decision was promised during the week of October 17 by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) however no information has been received. DFO has indicated the inshore quota has been caught however a detailed breakdown of the quota totals has not been made available. There are indications that tonnage remains and there may still be quota left to be caught.

Due to the lack of concrete data, concerns exist that quota has been held back for the offshore seine fleet in Newfoundland.

This situation has left many fishers wondering if the season has been closed completely or if the possibility of a reopening exists. In addition captains are trying to determine if gear should be removed and their boats taken out of the water, especially in light of the severe weather that Atlantic Canada has experienced over the past several days.

The PEIFA is seeking immediate confirmation of the catch data from DFO officials in Ottawa.

For more information please contact Ian MacPherson or Laura Ramsay at (902)  566-4050

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