The PEIFA and Thinking Big are happy to announce the electronic logbook (e-log) “Open Trip” has begun the qualification process and will be available for use in 2020 for PEIFA members. To ease the transition and trial period we are looking for fishers willing to use the e-log this year, once the qualification process is complete.

Any member who chooses to use Open Trip is NOT required to use a paper logbook. 

If you are interested in using the e-log or for more information please contact Melanie in the office at 902-566-4050 ext. 3 before May 2nd. We will need your name, LFA, cell phone number and email address to get you set up with “Open Trip”.

If you already put your name on this list there is no need to contact the office a second time, we are adding to the current ongoing list.

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News | Archives
July 24, 2018
Mill River Aquaculture Leasing Consultation
July 25th, at Mill River Resort .../more >

July 23, 2018
****DELAY - Opening dates for Tuna and 16G Herring
New plan for opening day is Wednesday July 25th, 2018 .../more >

July 19, 2018
Anticipated Tuna fishery start date changed
Commercial tuna fishery will not open until at least Tuesday July 24th, 2018 .../more >

July 11, 2018
Electronic Logbook pilot project in LFA 25 .../more >

July 4, 2018
2018 Halibut Registration

June 28, 2018
2018 Unofficial Sentinel Groundfish Survey Winners

June 26, 2018
NOPIPE Land and Sea Rally

June 25, 2018
PCFA Buyback Tags

June 20, 2018
Sentinel Registration - 2018

June 14, 2018

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