Lobster Fishing Areas across Atlantic Canada have been given the following criteria for LFA wide sustainability plans.  These criteria will need to be followed if an LFA is seeking funding.  A direct link to the DFO website, click here: http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/peches-fisheries/fish-ren-peche/lobster-homard/cmalf-evaluation-mcpha-eng.htm

Conservation Measures for Atlantic Lobster Fisheries

Evaluation Criteria for Sustainability Plans for LFA Wide Conservation Measures for Atlantic Lobster Fisheries

Conservation Plan Elements: (Click here for a larger view)

  Guidelines for eligibility recommendations
Sustainability Requirement Indicator/
Rationale Available measures[1] Meets Exceeds
1. Improved Prospects for biological productivity as defined by:

Sufficient egg production to protect recruitment potential.
Minimum Size at or above size where female maturity = 50%; or equivalent - Required by DFO Sustainable Fisheries Framework;
- FRCC recommendation 2007;
- Helps address eco-certification [2].
- Minimum legal size.
- Maximum legal size.
- Window size.
- Substantial[3] effort reduction.
- Refugia[4].
Substantial progress[7] toward standard by March 31, 2014 Meets or exceeds standard by March 31, 2014
--- OR ---
PA framework developed and in use - Required by DFO Sustainable Fisheries Framework;
- Helps address eco-certification[2].
- PA framework development process with Department Commitment to put in use by March 31, 2012 In place at time of Sustainability Plan evaluation
2. Reliable reporting as defined by:

Independently verifiable information to support management and science processes.
Reliable catch and effort information[6] - Required by DFO Sustainable Fisheries Framework;
- FRCC recommendation 2007;
- Helps address eco-certification[2] .
- Catch and effort data submitted in standard format to DFO electronically.
- Dockside monitoring.
100% catch and effort data without independently verifiable monitoring already met or scheduled[5] to be met by March 31, 2012 Reliable[6], 100% catch and effort data (based on definition) already met or scheduled[5] changes will be met by March 31, 2012
3. Reduced ecosystem impacts as defined by:
Monitoring and minimized impact of lobster fishing activities on ecosystem.
Effective measures in place to:

- reduce ghost fishing,
- reduce entanglements,
- record bycatches.
- Required by DFO Sustainable Fisheries Framework.
- Helps address eco-certification[2].
- All traps used have effective biodegradable trap elements;
- No lost tag replacement permitted in season;
-Quick-release mechanisms and anti-entanglement protocol in place;
- Monitoring of the number of gear lost;
- Monitoring of bycatch and species at risk.
Meets 1 of the 3 indicators with reliable6 monitoring met by March 31, 2012 Meet 2 or more of the 3 indicators with reliable[6] monitoring met by March 31, 2012

Table notes:

[1] Other measures may be suggested and will be considered to the extent they can be evaluated.
[2] This is not definitive as compliance with eco-certification standard is assessed by third party certifying bodies.
[3] Recognizing the difficulty to quantify precisely the impact of an effort reduction on the exploitation rate, the reduction in effort must be important enough to represent a real benefit in terms of conservation (a minimum of 25% of trap hauls or trap reductions).
[4] Refugia may be proposed; however, these will be evaluated for their long term contribution to increased egg production.
[5] Under this element, changes must be scheduled to take effect in a progressive and orderly manner.
[6] A reliable level of reporting or monitoring is comprehensive enough at the scale of the LFA to ensure a good tracking of the fishery and of the status of the resource.  To be reliable, it must be, verifiable, independent and timely.
[7] Progress: scheduled[5] changes to close the distance to the egg production standard by at least half will be met by March 31, 2014.

Eligibility recommendations will be based on the following scheme:

Exceeds If Plan reaches this level in each of the three Sustainability Requirements
Meets If Plan reaches this level in each of the three Sustainability Requirements

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