December 17, 2014

To all Island Lobster Fishers:

The Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association (PEIFA) recently conducted an Island wide vote regarding the collection of a one cent a pound harvester levy. These proceeds would be used for the promotion of Island lobster. The vote results were 69.4% in favour of setting up the levy.

The Prince Edward Island Marketing Council has accepted the PEIFA’s request to hold a plebiscite on the formation of a Lobster Marketing Board under the Natural Products Marketing Act. The plebiscite process is laid out in the Marketing Council Regulations under the Act. A Register of eligible voters must be compiled and a Marketing Plan must be drafted.
Information meetings will be held across the Island, in early January, 2015. These meetings will discuss the structure, purpose and powers for the proposed new Lobster Marketing Board and the Marketing Plan. The proposed structure of the Lobster Marketing Board will ensure control of these funds is determined by fishers. After discussion and review of the Marketing Plan, The PEI Marketing Council requires a second Island wide vote be conducted to confirm support of the final plan.

The plebiscite registration form (click link below) will be used to provide an opportunity for all eligible voters to have their names added to the Register of lobster fishers for the plebiscite.

The Regulations state that the Register must contain the name, address and signature of all eligible persons wanting to have their names on the list to vote in the plebiscite. Signatures are required to verify that the signature on the counterfoil of the ballot envelope when it is returned, matches the signature on the Register of voters.

Please complete and sign the enclosed registration form and return (via mail, fax or email) to the PEI Fishermen’s Association office at the Farm Centre, Charlottetown. Please note, postage is needed for return envelopes provided.

The registration form must be received or post marked no later than January 26, 2015.

We encourage all Prince Edward Island core lobster fishers to register and vote on this important issue.

Please contact the PEIFA at (902) 566-4050 if you have any questions regarding the process outlined above.



Ian MacPherson
Executive Director
420 University Ave., Suite 1O2 ● Charlottetown, PE ● Canada C1A 7Z5
Tel: (902) 566-4050 ● Fax: (902) 368-3748 ● E-mail:


Registration Sheet (please click the following link): userfiles/2014-12-09 Application for Registration (2).doc

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