LFA 24 will proceed with submitting applications to ACOA and DFO to access funding for lobster sustainability plan for area 24.

~ updated April 15th, 2010 ~

LFA 24 Lobster Advisory Committee have retained the services of Pat O'Neill (Consultant to LFA 24) to assist them over the next few monthes to continue and complete the funding process to access the Atlantic Lobster Sustainability Measures program funding for rationalization of the lobster industry.  Mr. O'Neill has completed an application to ACOA including a draft sustainablity plan on behalf of LFA 24 in the first step to accessing rationalization funding.    Once approved by ACOA, a  fully developed LFA 24 sustainability plan will be finalized and sent to DFO for review and consideration.   

For more information, please contact Pat O'Neill (Consultant to LFA 24 Lobster Advisory Committee) at 566-3707 or poneill@pei.eastlink.ca


Updated January 28th, 2010:

LFA 24 Fishermen voted 64% in favor of submitting a sustainability plan to DFO in order to access Federal funding through the Atlantic Lobster Sustainability Measures program.   


Three meetings (Alberton, Rustico and Rollo Bay) were held on Jan 26th and 27th where the LFA 24 Lobster Advisory Committee presented a draft plan for discussion and vote.  Copies of the draft sustainability plan presented at these meetings can be obtained by calling your local Lobster Advisory Committee representative or PEIFA office at 566-4050.  


The results of the LFA 24 Lobster Fishermen’s vote was as follows:


192    YES (in favor of submitting sustainability plan for funding)

108    NO (not in favor, status quo)



There were a total of 300 fish harvesters who voted at the meetings. 



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