A reminder to all 16G fishermen to complete and sign a waiver of understanding before getting conditions for the HFA 16G herring fishery. 



SEPTEMBER 4TH, 2011 will be the opening date for Southside fall herring 16G.

Only one outfitted boat was available/equipment to provide info via roe testing and after much discussion is was agreed that one vessel would be insufficient to test such a large area and an provide the accurate roe quality testing required to ensure the highest price for the fishers. With that said, the agreement was to proceed to a Sept 4th opening date.  

The Advisory has been told that DFO are working on a variation order (which is due to be released very soon and will be posted on this website) that will confirm this opening.  The variation order will override the date on license conditions.  


Although the request from teh Advisory Committee has been made to extend the summer fisehry if needed, it was unable to be achieved given the current set up.  Thus, as previously scheduled, the summer herring fishery in 16G southside will end on August 26th or until the quota is caught, whichever comes first. 

NORTHSIDE HFA 16G fall fishery will remain as planned opening on August 28th, 2011.

PEIFA will be posting variation orders/notices from DFO on the website as soon as they are available.  


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