Please click on the following link to view the chart: and weight relationship halibut 2020.pdf

Length to Weight relationship for Halibut (Round Weight):

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans provided this relationship between length and weight of Atlantic Halibut to be used as an extra tool/guide for commercial fishers, AS REFERENCE ONLY.

**DISCLAIMER: This chart is only a tool for estimation which is in no way legally binding with regard to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

Conservation and Protection will be strictly enforcing individual catch limits as referenced in the 2020 PEI Fleet Atlantic Halibut license conditions and fishers must ensure they do not exceed the amounts set out in their license conditions.

It clearly states in section 5.1 of the 2020 PEI Fleet Atlantic Halibut license conditions that the 261 kg individual catch limit is referring to round weight.

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