This is the weight of dressed halibut (head on, gutted) that corresponds to the round weight of 108 Kg written in the licence condition and notice to fish harvesters. The conversion factor being 1.14 the following calculation applies:

108 kg/ 1.14 = 94.73 Kg.

So, the seasonal catch limit of 108 kg of round halibut corresponds to 94.73 kg of dressed halibut if landed gutted with head on. Almost 95 Kg.

For more information please contact your local C&P Officer or

Frédéric Butruille
A/Regional Resource management officer / Agent régional de gestion des pêches par intérim
Groundfish Fisheries / Pêches des poissons de fond
Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada
Moncton, NB

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