Further to Halibut update (as of 4:30PM August 15th):

The PEIFA is still awaiting confirmation from Fisheries & Oceans Canada (DFO) today in terms of approval on the 2014 PEI halibut fishery and new managment plan.  We have been advised that it will be next week before the plan is approved/confirmed. The approval is needed in order to begin registration and relay final management plan details to fishers.

PEIFA would like to hold the registration next week and will advise fishers as soon as the final harvesting plan is received from DFO. Thank you all for your patience with this file.


Posted August 8th, 2014: 

 The Conservation harvesting plan (CHP) for commercial halibut has been submitted by the PEIFA after much discussion with the Department of Fisheries & Oceans.  The PEIFA await approval and signature on the management plan.  

A registration (two-day) for the PEI halibut fishery will be arranged as soon as possible, after confirmation/approval from DFO.  The PEIFA will communicate the dates and details asap.  

For more information on this new proposed plan, please contact your local PEIFA Groundfish Advisory rep or the PEIFA at 566-4050.

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