The PEIFA would like to congratulate Gail Mabey on her well-deserved retirement that begins December 17, 2021. Gail has been employed with the PEIFA for more than 24 years. It’s more than just her hard work we will miss. For 24 years, Gail has been a huge asset to this organization providing endless amounts of expertise, skills, kindness and friendship.


Aside from her wonderful sense of humour, she never fails to amaze us with her dedication to

this organization and her tremendous work ethic each day. Please join us in wishing Gail all the happiness in the world as she embarks on this new adventure.If you’re around the office and would like to stop in before December 17th, our office hours are 8:30am-4:30pm OR feel free to drop a note below to be shared with her! 

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News | Archives
April 8, 2015
New Licensing Policy Updates - Gulf Region DFO Commercial Fisheries Policy 2015 updates
DFO Gulf Region Commercial Fisheries Policy Updates .../more >

April 8, 2015
Ice Reports
Check out Environment Canada's website for daily updates on ice conditions .../more >

March 26, 2015

March 18, 2015
Voting deadline Friday March 20 - Lobster Marketing Plebiscite
Reminder: Registered PEI Lobster Fishers: Deadline Midnight Friday March 20 for voting in Plebiscite .../more >

March 18, 2015
Call for Bids - PEIFA Fixed Gear Groundfish Rationalization Program
PEIFA is accepting bids for the PEIFA Fixed Gear Groundfish Rationalization(license buyback) program .../more >

February 27, 2015
PEIFA AGM & Convention Agenda

February 25, 2015
PEI Commercial Smelt Boxnet Fishing Season - 1 week extension
One week extension for this fishery, now closing on March 7th, 2015. Call DFO 393-1171 for details. .../more >

February 23, 2015
Courses for 2015

February 3, 2015
Eastern Kings AGM - Postponed

February 2, 2015
Eastern Kings AGM - Possible Postponement

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