Future Fisher Program
The purpose of the Future Fisher Program is to provide mentoring and financial support to new entrants into the Prince Edward Island lobster fishery to become knowledgeable on various aspects of the fishery and better positioned for success. The program will assist the fishing industry to develop a solid foundation with a new generation of fishers in Prince Edward Island.
An eligible applicant* must have purchased a Class A lobster licence after January 1, 2009 or demonstrate that 2009 was the first fishing year, (as recognized by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans) and not have held a Class A lobster licence in previous years.
Applicants must be residents of Prince Edward Island and be a minimum of 18 years of age.
Only one applicant will be accepted per fleet under the Future Fisher Program and this shall be the licence holder.
(* Note: An applicant who is working towards the ownership of a fishing fleet may be eligible for assistance towards the training component upon successful approval under the Program.)
There are three components of the Future Fisher Program:
1) Facilitation Assistance by a Program Manager
2) A Training Program involving all aspects of the lobster fishery
3) Interest Assistance which requires active participation in the coaching and training components.
The interest rebate component will reduce interest costs for a period of three consecutive years for fishing operations acquired by the applicant. The maximum assistance per applicant will be $3,000 per year over a three-year period resulting in a maximum contribution related to interest relief of $9,000.  
Interest relief will be calculated as follows: a) applicants who have completed Grade 12 or equivalent will be eligible to receive a 2% contribution per annum on loans up to $150,000 related to acquiring alobster enterprise or b) applicants who have yet to complete Grade 12 or equivalent will be eligible for a financial contribution of 1% per annum on loans up to $150,000 related to acquiring a lobster enterprise until such time the applicant attains Grade 12 or equivalent. 
In addition, each applicant is eligible to receive an additional $1,000 to assist towards the costs of training initiatives. Assistance for training initiatives will be normally cost-shared between the Department and the applicant on a 50-50 basis. 
1.         The applicant must submit an application prior to any financial commitment being made under this Program.
2.         The applicant must possess the necessary licence* required to be eligible for funding under the Program.
3.         The applicant must agree to meet and discuss the application with the Program Manager and submit information on education status and financing as required so that a recommendation can be made on the application for Department approval.  
4.            Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. If the number of applications exceeds budget allocation, new applications may not receive program funding.
5.         If the applicant is approved under the Program, a letter and Contractual Agreement will be forwarded to the applicant which, when accepted, will constitute a contract between the applicant and the PEI Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development.
6.         An applicant who has yet to purchase a core fishing licence, including lobster, is eligible to enter the Program and receive funding towards training initiatives and work towards gaining ownership of a core enterprise within three years of approval.
7.         Applicants must work towards completion of milestones in their training plan to be eligible for interest relief. 
8.         Applicants must be borrowing money for the purpose of a fleet purchase. Interest rebate will be paid on loans approved by a recognized financial institution (chartered banks, Credit Unions, PEI Lending Agency) providing that the loan is to purchase the fishing related assets.
9.         The applicant must agree to provide the Program Manager with a loan approval letter from his/her lending institution, outlining terms and conditions and an annual statement verifying the loan is still in existence.
10.       The applicant may be required to re-pay all or a portion of the interest relief if the fishing enterprise is sold at any time during the 3-year period of approval.

11.       The Department may refuse to consider an application if there is evidence of misrepresentation of pertinent information or if the application does not conform with the spirit of the Program.
12.            Applicants who are participating under the Fishers Low Interest Loan Program may be considered under this Program at a reduced rate of 1 % interest relief with Grade 12 or 0.5 % without Grade 12 or its equivalent.
Applications under the Program will be accepted until March 31, 2012.   
This Program is administered by the Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development. Applications for assistance or requests for information should be directed to:
                                    Program Manager
                                    Future Fisher Program
                                    PEI Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development
                                    PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8
                                    Tel: (902) 368-5244
                                    Fax: (902) 368-5542
For information on the Program or for general assistance in working out the details of an application, please contact:
                        PEI Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture & Rural Development
                        Marine Fisheries and Seafood Services Division
                        P.O. Box 2000
                        Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A 7N8
                        Telephone: (902) 368-6330 Fax: (902) 368-5542
Hon. Neil J. LeClair      Richard Gallant Barry MacPhee
Minister of Fisheries,      Deputy Minister, Fisheries, Director, Marine Fisheries &
Aquaculture and Rural      Aquaculture, and Rural Seafood Services, Fisheries
Development                                Development                           Aquaculture and Rural
last update November 9, 2009

Future Fisher Program
NOTE: Two Workshops will be held, (one each in the Spring and Fall) with the intent that the applicant will be able to attend at least one each year over the duration he is involved in the Program. Attending or attaining at least 3 credits/year (ie: as per 9 credits listed will make the applicant eligible for interest rebate assistance. (1 workshop= 1 credit; attending PEIFA convention = 1 credit)
Formal Courses

1.                  MED A1
2.                  Fishing Master IV    OR   SVOP (Small Vessel Operators Proficiency)
3.                  Marine Advanced First Aid
4.                  ROC -M (VHF)


Mandatory Events (attend at least once each over the 3 year period)

5.         Attend a PEIFA Annual Convention
6.         Attend an Annual Lobster Science Centre Workshop
7.         Attend a Lobster Advisory Committee Meeting

8. Lobster Health / Biology / Management

                     Lobster health
                     Lobster biology, habitat, local management, science
                     AVC/ LSC tour
                     Provincial Lobster Resource Monitoring Program
                     Fisheries resource management overview
                     Governing - provincial / federal mandates
                     Role of industry associations

9. Seafood Processing / Marketing / Business Curriculum

                     Seafood Marketing
                     Lobster Processing - types of product, costs, markets,
                     Ocean to Plate - Value Chain
                     MSC, Eco-labelling, Traceability
                     Best Handling Practises on board / dockside - preserving quality
                     Finances, bookkeeping, Credit management

(Dates of Workshops - to be determined)
For further information, please contact:
                        PEI Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture & Rural Development
                        Marine Fisheries and Seafood Services Division
                        P.O. Box 2000, Charlottetown , P.E.I. C1A 7N8
                        Telephone: (902) 368-6330 Fax: (902) 368-5542

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