*Federal Update* 

 At his daily press conference, the Prime Minister announced that the Federal government will extend both the Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB )programs, with details to come next week.

The CEWS program will be extended "beyond June" while the CERB will be extended "for a longer period compared to the CEWS". 

The government is hoping/expecting that more businesses will take advantage of the CEWS as the economy ramps back up, and that many people will come off the CERB as they return to work.


The PEIFA along with a number of other fishing organizations are working hard to have the CEWS program modified to accommodate more fishing operations. It is hoped these changes will be announced along with other harvester programs in the next few days. The PEIFA understands this can be a very beneficial program to many fleets if the required changes are made.

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