Please see the list below for the draw results of the Experimental Netting of HFA 16C&E Spring Herring Using Commercial-Style Nets completed on Tuesday, March 12th, 2024. Congratulations to the winners for each site! Thank you to our Third Party, Kassidy Matheson, who assisted with the drawing of names. 

All names drawn are posted, however, there is one 1 winner for Region 4 - Southside PEI and 2 winners for Region 5 - Northside PEI. 

Region 4 - Southside PEI (1 Captain awarded) 

1. Allison Arsenault

2. Bruce Palmer

3. Paul Gallant

5. Andy Doucette

6. Yvon Gallant 

Region 5 - Northside PEI (2 Captains awarded)

1. Wayne Matthews

2. Kent Williams

3. Darren Ashley

4. Stephen Ramsay 

5. Colin Shields

6. Allison Arsenault

7. Carl Gallant

8. Andy Doucette

9. Andrew Williams 

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