Please click the link for the full DFO document: CCMA l'Avis.pdf


Please be advised that Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) will re-open the commercial mackerel fishery in all mackerel fishing areas as of 5:30 a.m. Atlantic Daylight Time on Sunday, August 15, 2021 when the second 2,000 tonne portion of the total allowable catch (TAC) will be released.

The 2021 TAC for the commercial catch is set at 4,000 tonnes, under a one-year management plan. In order to account for the temporal migration of mackerel through Canadian waters and to provide the best chance for fleets access to the resource, the TAC was divided into two equal parts. The first 2,000t TAC has been fully utilized.

The Department will begin communicating landing data to AMAC on a weekly basis when Atlantic mackerel landings have reached 1,000 tonnes for this TAC portion. More frequent communication of landings will be provided as needed as landings approach 2,000 tonnes.


Derek Mahoney
Manager, Resource Management Operations / Manager, Gestion des ressource opérations 

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