DFO have confirmed with the PEIFA the following info on the 2017 HFA 16C&E Spring Herring Commercial fishery.

Following the DFO conference call on Tuesday, Advisory Committee representatives from the MFU and the PEIFA agreed that the spring herring fishery in area 16C and 16E can open on Thursday April 13, 2017 with the understanding of a catch limit set at 100 tons (until April 23, 2017 inclusively).  If this limit is reached prior to Sunday April 23, 2017, the fishery will be closed unless otherwise agreed to by parties involved.

Another conference call is scheduled for April 19, 2017 at 8:30 a.m. if needed. 

For more information on the spring herring fishery management plan, please contact DFO’s Mario Gaudet, Acting Senior Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Officer 1-506 851-3526.  

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